
Mont-Saint-Grégoire, Quebec Canada

Discover Mont-Saint-Grégoire, Quebec: A Blend of History and Culture

Mont-Saint-Grégoire, Quebec, is a charming municipality nestled in the province of Quebec, Canada. It is situated within the Regional County Municipality of Le Haut-Richelieu. As per the Canada 2011 Census, the population of this quaint town was 3,086. The residents of Mont-Saint-Grégoire are fondly known as Grégoriens (Grégoriennes for females).

The Rich History of Mont-Saint-Grégoire, Quebec

The history of Mont-Saint-Grégoire, Quebec, is deeply rooted in its name. The town was named in honor of Gregory the Great, who served as the pope from 590 to 604 and was succeeded by Sabinian. This historical connection adds a unique charm to the town, making it a fascinating destination for history enthusiasts.

One of the notable figures from Mont-Saint-Grégoire is Saint André Bessette, who was born here. His legacy adds a significant historical and cultural value to the town.

Demographics of Mont-Saint-Grégoire, Quebec

Understanding the demographics of Mont-Saint-Grégoire, Quebec, provides a glimpse into the diverse community that calls this town home. The population data, as well as the language preferences of the residents, offer valuable insights into the cultural fabric of this town.

Population of Mont-Saint-Grégoire, Quebec

The population of Mont-Saint-Grégoire, Quebec, as per the 2011 Census, stood at 3,086. This figure reflects the small-town charm of Mont-Saint-Grégoire, where everyone knows everyone, and community spirit thrives.

Language in Mont-Saint-Grégoire, Quebec

The language preferences of the residents of Mont-Saint-Grégoire, Quebec, further enrich the cultural diversity of this town. As the town is located in the province of Quebec, French is predominantly spoken here, adding to the unique Quebecois charm of Mont-Saint-Grégoire.
